
So this is the brand new tochionyebuchi.com.

We’ve (I’ve) come a long way from those Angelfire and Geocities DBZ fan pages. “You need an online presence,” they said. “Twitter and Instagram aren’t enough,” they said. So here we are. In this place, you can find info about my books, my shorter writings, and, perhaps most importantly, my news! Tour announcements, sales, but also musings on various things from craft to anime, what I’m reading, what I’m watching. And my hope is use this place, additionally, to provide a glimpse into the process.

When I was coming up, I found such a thing invaluable. Whether it was a blog embedded in a website, whether it was a Livejournal, heck, whether it was an interview in The Paris Review. And I’m all for paying it forward.

Still some kinks to work out, and I am a bit covered in plaster and wearing my West African manual-labor sandals at the moment, but it looks like the heavy lifting may be done!

Enjoy! Malta Goya’s in the fridge.